Protein muffins
How do you get stronger? Push to failure when you lift
How do you get stronger in peri and post menopause? You lift heavy shit and push to failure. You’re working in the 6-8 rep range.
Miracle Sludge
This hemp gel is great for sore joints
Poor Eyesight, Menopause and Depression
A recent study showed a significant link between poor eyesight in women (40-65) and an increase in depressive symptoms
I do Body Pump class. That’s strength training isn’t it?
Is your fitness class really getting you strong? Peri and post menopausal women need to be doing strength training. It’s probably not what you think.
Is jogging getting you the results you want?
How the body uses energy
Why do you need to rest between sets of exercises? What’s lactic acid? How can you jog for hours but only sprint for 10 seconds?
Dem’ Bones
3 reasons to love broccoli
What Can You Replace Estrogen and Progesterone With?
Tofu Can Help Reduce Hot Flashes
Why Bother with HIIT Part 3
5 High Protein Breakfasts
Why Bother with HIIT?
Pelvic Health
If you’re pelvic floor is more leaky sieve these days you don’t have to put up with it you know. Get yourself some help - some physios specialise in pelvic health and can get you back to your old self.