Why Bother with HIIT Part 3

Why Bother with HIIT
Part 3

Just a reminder about short bursts of high intensity workouts - they can do wonders for reducing belly fat, short, so you get good recovery time, reduce stress, build good fitness. But how do you do it? 

If you don't have any equipment at home then running is your best bet. For all the intervals you need to have a section where you're flat out for 20-60 seconds then a recovery period of 1-4 minutes. Do it again until you've done about 20-25 minutes of work. If you can do more than 25 minutes then you've not worked hard enough in the sprinty bit. (Plodding for 30 minutes plus isn't going to do much for you if you're running to lose weight. Dare I say even a waste of your time?)

If running doesn't get you going then you could try:

Mountain climbers


Squat jumps
Pike ups

20-30 second sprint at full pelt
1-4 minutes @ 60%


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