How to get more protein in your diet
Ruth Jane Ruth Jane

How to get more protein in your diet

Women generally don’t eat enough protein. In peri and post menopause, you need even more. It helps replace the dropping oestrogen which drives lean mass development

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Get to Bed! Round 2
Ruth Jane Ruth Jane

Get to Bed! Round 2

Ignore your circadian rhythm at your peril. The body’s own internal clock is there for a reason - to optimise your biology.

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Get to Bed!
Ruth Jane Ruth Jane

Get to Bed!

Rest and recovery is mega important during peri and post menopause. You’re short changing yourself if you go to bed late because you don’t recover properly.

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Is Plain Water Best to Hydrate?
Ruth Jane Ruth Jane

Is Plain Water Best to Hydrate?

Are you drinking plain water to hydrate all the time? It’s not the best way to do it as you’ll end up peeing it all out. You need a little salt and some carbs for the body to suck it up

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10 Reasons to Eat More Protein
Ruth Jane Ruth Jane

10 Reasons to Eat More Protein

Women over 45 should be eating a lot of protein to make up for the loss of estrogen. Without estrogen you don’t have the hormonal push to make more muscle. You need to replace that with protein (and lifting weights).

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Davina’s “Sex, Mind and the Menopause” in a nutshell
Ruth Jane Ruth Jane

Davina’s “Sex, Mind and the Menopause” in a nutshell

Davina McCall’s second programme on the menopause, “Sex, Mind and the Menopause” focused more on the mental symptoms suffered by many women in perimenopause such as brain fog, anxiety and loss of confidence. HRT can go a long way in helping many women.

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Fasting - should you be doing it?
Ruth Jane Ruth Jane

Fasting - should you be doing it?

Is fasting good for women? For most women (who are active) no, it isn’t. That might come as a surprise as it’s very front and centre on social media. But the science studies on women show it ain’t great. Men, fill your boots! (But only in your eating window).

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