You Don't Want to Lose "Weight"

On a diet you're "good". What this normally means is you skip meals, stop eating bread/rice/pasta, give up caffeine (why?) and survive on 3 flakes of Special K till teatime. 

Yes, you lose weight. Quelle surprise!

But, what is it you've really lost (besides your will to live)? A bit of fat but ALSO muscle. Your body will be breaking down muscle tissue for energy - because it's bloody starving and it's not daft. However, as you know by now, when you're over 45 the last thing you can afford is to lose more muscle.

Why don't you want to lose muscle?

1. You get even weaker
2. It takes a lot of effort to build muscle - don't give it away cheaply
3. At the end of the your diet, when you find yourself gnawing a dining chair leg, your resting metabolic rate is a little lower because it's not got as much muscle to feed. You need less energy every day now. Oh shit. Now you only need 2 flakes of Special K to power through!

 Try this instead 

Think about adding nutritious stuff IN

Instead of thinking about what you can't eat, think about all the good stuff you can add - more fruit and vegetables alongside your protein and sensible starchy carbs (root veg, whole grains). You won't leave yourself starving and then eat the bag of Kettle Chips when you've cracked

- You'll then be able to crowd out most of the processed or sugary shit. Your body will be nourished with proper food and not eat your own muscle tissue!

- Start lifting weights. More muscle INCREASES your resting metabolic rate. Over time you change your body composition. You might even weigh the same but you've got more muscle mass and less body fat.

 Focus on losing fat not weight 


Keto: Should You Consider It?


Diets don’t work