Is jogging getting you the results you want?

Why jogging ain't gonna do it 

Do you jog? Is it getting you the results you want? 

With jogging or your usual Body Pump class, HIIT class, all of these types of activities they're all in the "grey zone". It gets your heart rate up into the "fat burning zone". Sounds good doesn't it? The problem is, women are great at this type of exercise particularly in peri and post menopause - basically our bodies are now suited to this kind of exercise - long and slowish. 

What's wrong with fat burning then?

In peri and post menopause you become a fat burning machine. Women are already primed (more than men) to burn fat for fuel. In peri/post it's enhanced even more. BUT you become more insulin resistant - you're not burning glycogen (stored carbs) like you used to.

Alongside the insulin resistance you're losing power and muscle protein synthesis. You've lost the anabolic (muscle building) effects of the hormones.

Who doesn't want to do the fitness that they're good at? Women are really really good at long, slow endurance sports. But, if you don't train for power and for tackling the insulin resistance you'll get slower and slower, losing more power and strength.

Do the things you love at the weekend - for the joy of it. But in the week you should train for power, not endurance. Include resistance training for strength and HIIT (but high high intensity) increases post-exercise growth hormone - developing and keeping your muscle. For strength you're looking at 6-8 reps and the HIIT has to be intense enough to get your heart rate above that grey zone - anaerobic, lung busting, glycogen burning. You can only keep that intense pace up for 30-40 seconds and then you need to recover. A "sweaty" normal Body Pump class will not get you above that grey zone.

Short and intense and then rest.


I do Body Pump class. That’s strength training isn’t it?


How the body uses energy