Exercise Habits


I made a New Year's resolution that by the end of the year I'd take a daily picture of St John's church from the viewpoint at Redhill Common on a daily walk. How long did that last? I haven't even started. Not even once. Good job really, that shot is shite.

Have I been for a walk? Yes. To Morrisons and back, round the lake, round the block.

"Fanciful daydreams do not a habit maketh."
Lady Whistledown, Bridgerton

Motivation lasts about 3 hours tops for me. So, when you decide you "should" get fitter (you need to do it for you - not for what you think you should be doing or else what's the point?) how do you start and then keep going?

1. It needs to fit into your routine. Me walking to the common is the opposite direction to Morrisons for a start off! I aint' got time or the inclination for both so just make it the scenic route to Morries.

2. Pick one thing not 12.

3. Put it in your diary and stick to it. NOBODY feels like exercise before they do it; NOBODY. But once you get going you're (usually) glad you started.

4. Don't let yourself off the hook.If you put a walk in the diary and it's raining - it WILL NOT KILL YOU to walk in the rain. Just get on with it.

5. The earlier in the day you do it the more likely it will happen. "Oh, I'll go after dinner." No you won't. Do it early. Get it done.


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